Oh my word, y’all. This summer I’ve had the worst time with weeds sprouting up on our brick patio! The past few years we’ve had them here and there but this year they were everywhere and they were driving me crazy. I didn’t want to use harsh chemicals on a space so close to our house, especially since we walk around barefoot most of the time. Luckily Pinterest came to my rescue and I found several resources outlining DIY all natural weed killers. (You can see many of the options I found on my Backyards Pinterest board here.)

Most of the recipes I found were roughly the same. This was the version we used:
I have seen recipes that call for as little as vinegar and salt. I went with this one with the added lemon juice to increase the acidity of the vinegar so that it would work faster.
My neighbor and I mixed up a batch and put it into a garden sprayer. One batch fills one sprayer. I found that I used 3/4 of the batch each time I sprayed my area. Over the course of the past month I have been on a weed killing mission and am happy to report that it works!
The first weeds I saw a difference in immediately were the ones on our brick patio. Because they had more shallow roots and got very hot in the direct summer sun I saw a difference in as little as one day! By the end of the week most of them were crunchy and on their way to dead. I pulled most of the dead weeds that week from the patio. Since then I have only had ONE teeny weed try and make it’s way back!
Not only have I seen a huge improvement on the patio (which was my main point of concern) but I have also been able to eradicate the irritating crab grass from another rock bed as well as spot treat areas in our sidewalk and other small areas.
Overall I couldn’t be happier with the results and will definitely keep this on hand in the future to help me keep those weeds at bay!
If you like this post be sure to check out these as well:
- How to lay peel & stick tile
- Use WD-40 on plastic furniture to make it look new!
- DIY Firepit Round Up
- Summer Yard Tour
Don’t forget to pin!
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